Friday, October 19, 2012

My Becher Grid for ART 1070

This week I created a Becher Grid for my ART 1070 assignment. Although it was difficult to find 16 similar items but finally I just decided to use different keys. All I had was my cell phones terrible camera so I did what I could do to get the keys to look the best. First, I set up the grid by making a 4000x4000 pixel grid. Then added my images which I cropped and sized to be 875x875 pixels each. I didn't add any color or shading layers to my images because I liked the clarity of how the keys looked. Next, to get my grid to look as evenly spaced out as possible I used a 100x100 pixel spacer. I did have some trouble flattening the images into one merged image and with saving the image but with the help of my ART 1070 course instructor (who has been very helpful, by the way), we figured it out so here's my finished Becher Grid, hope you liked it!

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